About Us
We are a team of professionals and collaborators from different countries and professional disciplines: Engineers, Informatics, Economists, Lawyers, Pedagogues, and Designers.
Since 2008, we have been collaborating in the digital transformation of sectors such as the Content, Financial, Tourism or Education Industry, among others. We are experts in Business Modeling based on Artificial Intelligence, Voice Recognition, Data, etc. Likewise, we offer Legal Consulting in the field of Privacy and Data Protection in Innovation projects.
We also bet on the development of new professional profiles in the digital economy. For this we have led the implementation of new educational formats such as MOOCs, Data Learning Services, Gamifications, Digital Badges and Educational Audiovisual Contents. More than 350,000 students have been trained with our content through the main Universities, Business Schools and Multinationals.
Last News

Rooter participa en el lanzamiento de TEP INSTITUTE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY el centro de investigación, difusión y capacitación profesional en ciencia y tecnologías disruptivas.

Rooter e Innova-tsn crean All About Data, una nueva iniciativa enfocada en la formación y la investigación en los ámbitos de la Inteligencia Artificial y los Datos.

Estamos organizando el evento "Ciudadano 360º y Gobierno del Dato en las Administraciones Públicas", patrocinado por Salesforce y MuleSoft, que se celebrará el 7 de julio en la EOI.
Ver más información aquí

Rooter participates in the founding assembly of GAIA-X, an European non-profit association of companies to promote digital sovereignty in cloud and data sharing.

We have been admitted as a member of the European Commission's Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition.

ROOTER and GAM Training join forces to develop KIRLEO, a trade school with more than 70 centres in Spain, Portugal, Morocco and Latin America.
See more information here

One of the editions of the Digital Business programme for SMEs in collaboration with BeJob, CEAJE, CEPYME and Red.es comes to an end.

Rooter publishes an article in the European Data Protection Law Review

Voice data privacy: a real challenge!

We start the Comprise project

ZDMP project starts