We produce multiplatform and multilingual training contents. We offer Academic Tutoring Services, Data Learning Services, Digital Badges.
In Rooter we use narrative techniques, storytelling, and audiovisual tools to facilitate learning. We collaborate with more than 180 professionals from more than 14 countries and different areas of activation to prepare our contents. In addition, we continuously analyze the training needs of professionals and companies throughout their lives.
In collaboration with different academic institutions and companies, we have trained more than 350.000 students through online and blended courses.
Some examples of our work are:
Digital skills
for professionals,
Online course for
Google on the
development of digital skills for professionals.

Approved Course
in Delegate of Data
BeJob Santillana
Blended program developed, coordinated and taught by Rooter, and approved by AENOR to be able to submit to the official certification for DPO.

Upgrade Digital,
It is a Rooter program that allows you to stay updated on the latest digital trends, knowing the most recent innovations that are generating new products and services, understanding the business impact of technologies and the new business models that are being generated and applying this knowledge to the use of digital tools that will allow you to optimize your processes.

Monterrey Digital Technology Leadership Diploma
It is a program to know, understand and be able to apply in companies the main trends and strategies in digital economy. From the so-called Soft Skills to basic fundamentals in Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence or
Industry 4.0

Course "Be Digital Orange and EOI" (School of Industrial Organization)
Online program aimed at acquiring the main skills that any professional should have in the current environment of SMEs and large companies.

Use of smartphones for seniors Vodafone Foundation
Vodafone Spain Foundation initiatives are carried out to promote and support ICT solutions both for people with disabilities and the elderly. One of these initiatives is to train the elderly in the use of Smartphones, a purpose implemented by developing some contents about the basic smartphone handling that is brief, very practical, and adapted to the the elderly language.

'I prep@RE‘, is an ICT training program, promoted by DOWN SPAIN, whose objective is to provide young people and adults with Down syndrome and intellectual disability with the tools and strategies necessary to facilitate their access to employment, through the different technologies implemented in society.